These were taken when I was learning to develop my own film. We could choose any subject, so I chose to take portraits of my grandpa Pat, and my dad, Wallace. Neither of them loves to be in front of a camera, but I'm very glad that I asked because otherwise we wouldn't have these more formal portraits of them both. My grandpa is one of the neatest people, who has worked hard all of his life and has his definite interrests. One of those interrests is guns and he's very handy with them and also used to make all of his own amunition in the cabin behind him. He traps, skins, and sells coyote skins, as well as bobcats every once in a while. He is a true piece of the disappearing Montana. My dad is on that cusp between the old and the new Montana, and while he chooses not to know how to use a computer, he just had to have an ipad, which my mom has claimed as her own.
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